How to override translations for particular host characters

How to override translations for particular host characters

There are certain characters that do not translate correctly on my host. Is there some way to override translations to get the desired result?

As of Flex Terminal Emulator version 4.0.4024.1512, overriding of character translations is now possible. Once upgraded to this version or newer, simply place a text file containing the translations to override into the Flex Terminal Emulator working directory (...\Documents\FlexSoftware\FlexTerm\ by default) and name it according to the current Host Code Page being used. For example, if using the default 1140 US/Canada Euro code page, the file would be named 1140.atb.

The file will contain each translation to override where the first value is the host character (EBCDIC hex value) you want to replace, the second value is the new character (Unicode hex value) that you want it to be mapped to.

In the example below, the user wants to use "[" for the host character 0xAD, so they would set:


Where 0x5B is the Unicode value of the character "[".

Similarly, for 0xBD, they want to map it to "]" which is 0x5D.

Sample 1140.atb file contents:


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