How to export data from several host screens to cells in an Excel spreadsheet

How to export data from several host screens to cells in an Excel spreadsheet

A macro can be used to "scrape" specific table data from the current Flex Terminal Emulator host screen, export to cells within a newly created Excel spreadsheet, then repeat this process to traverse multiple host screens.  The sample macro code below demonstrates this:

Sample Code:

Sub Main()

' Create the Excel objects
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = true
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add

nRow = 1
nCol = 1

  For i = 1 to 4
    objExcel.Cells(nRow, nCol).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(4, 2), 6)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow, nCol+1).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(4, 10), 20)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow, nCol+2).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(4, 31), 8)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+1, nCol).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(5, 2), 6)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+1, nCol+1).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(5, 10), 20)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+1, nCol+2).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(5, 31), 8)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+2, nCol).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(6, 2), 6)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+2, nCol+1).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(6, 10), 20)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+2, nCol+2).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(6, 31), 8)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+3, nCol).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(7, 2), 6)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+3, nCol+1).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(7, 10), 20)
    objExcel.Cells(nRow+3, nCol+2).Value = FlexScreen.GetText (FlexScreen.Position(7, 31), 8)
    Ok = FlexScreen.SendKeys(FlexKey.PF1)
    Ok = FlexScreen.WaitForNoX()
    nRow = nRow+4
End Sub


  • The above sample code assumes 4 rows and 3 columns of data per host screen at specific locations, then advances to the next screen using the PF1 host key. 
  • The statement "For i = 1 to 4" determines how many screens of data to export.  Adjust the number 4 to your desired number of screens to export.
  • You may copy the above sample code, paste into Notepad or another text editor, then save to the Macros subfolder of the FlexTerm user directory with the .ams file extension to utilize in your environment.

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